Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Tag I stole

I got this from a great China adoption site that I visit.

What were you doing ten years ago?

I was living with my boyfriend, soon to be fiance - now husband, and loving it.

What were you doing one year ago?

Dealing with the pneumonia that all 3 kids had.

Five snacks I enjoy:
1. Veggies and Dip
2. Cheese and crackers
3. Chocolate w/peanut butter
4. Candy (!)
5. Cheddar Cheese poppers

Five things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Buy a vacation home for my mother.
2. Pay off all of my bills and my moms bills too.
3. Remodel our attic into a huge master bedroom.
4. Adopt a child from china.
5. Set up trust for the best college educations money can buy for all of the children in my life.

Five bad habits:
1. Leaving half full pop cans around.
2. Playing with my hair
3. Being messy.
4. Being a "know it all"
5. Eating too much!

Five things I like doing:
1. Reading
2. Spending time with my family.
3. Cooking
4. Reading blogs!
5. Caring for my littles.

Five things I would never wear, buy, or get new again:
1. Leather mini skirt.
2. Super high heels.
3. Earings that weigh more than a small dog.
4. Jackets with shoulder pads.
5. Cowboy boots.

Five favorite toys/games:
1. Tradewinds2
2. Dinner Dash
3. Bookworm
4. Leapster
5. Zuma

Here's the deal; remove the blog in the TOP SPOT from the following list and then add YOUR BLOG to the bottom spot.

Then select FIVE PEOPLE to TAG!
I know of no one who reads this, so...
You and....

1 comment:

Stacey T. said...

Wow, thanks for visiting my blog (and loving it, too). I'm also thankful for the thumbs up for Skype, I went and bought the headsets tonight and we have it all set up so we can talk to my son and mom when we are in China next week!!!!!